Security Services
Delivering safety and security through effective prevention, reassurance and response
The team provides a wide range of services aimed at maintaining a safe and secure physical environment in which the University community can work and study.
Professionalism around the clock
Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we are always on hand to provide support and assistance to staff, students and visitors. The quality of our service relies strongly on the close partnerships we have established with University staff, departments, colleges and the wider University community.
The core services we offer include alarm and CCTV monitoring, security patrols and crime reduction advice and parking. Our work does not stop there, however. In order to be fully responsive to our customer's needs, we also provide chargeable specialised support services, such as key holding, security screening, training and support for specific events.
Find out more
If you need further assistance, please contact Security Services on +44(0)1865 2 72944 or email
You can find out more about all our services below.
Report an incident online
Report a non-emergency incident through our online form here
Service Catalogue
To view and access the Estates Services service catalogue
Contact us
Security Services
Old Observatory
South Parks Road
Emergency (24-hour)
+44(0)1865 2 89999
Security Control Room
+44(0)1865 2 72944
Operational support